In The Game of life we often think that we are actually playing when in fact we are in the stands as spectators watching the players on the field.
In the training below, Matt Poll discusses what it means to be “in the game” and how it applies to progression within your life.
In The Game of life we often think that we are actually playing. However, we’re actually in the stands as spectators watching the players on the field. Often what has us stay in the stands is the fear of losing or failing. While this is a possibility, there is also no possibility. To make a difference or have impact in the game you must be playing. In this video I explore your health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality. Furthermore, I discuss it all when it comes to being In The Game or not.
It might serve to first ask where am I not happy or satisfied with the results or outcomes of a certain area of your life? You will quickly find that being in the game has you actually dealing with the very thing you are not satisfied with. By getting more in your life you will find greater access to power. Power being a function of the velocity with which you pull the things wanted into your life. The law of attraction works this way and I am saying you can attract things with greater velocity being more In The Game than you are currently showing up.
Matt Poll, AKA Matt Poll, is an entrepreneur, investor and life coach based out of Silicon Slopes in Lehi, Utah. Furthermore, he is the CEO of GTF, a company which he helped co-found in September of 2008.
In addition to this blog, you can find me on social media by clicking the links below:
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